New Water Modeling Tool

23rd March 2007

This water modeling tool might be useful:

The first comes from Researchers at the University of Delaware:

Equipped with high-speed computers and the laws of physics, scientists from the University of Delaware and Radboud University in the Netherlands have developed a new method to “flush out” the hidden properties of water–and without the need for painstaking laboratory experiments.

The UD researchers used clusters of Linux computers to perform the large-scale computer calculations required for the research. The study took several months to complete.

The result is a new model — the first that can accurately predict both the properties of a pair of water molecules and of liquid water.

Among its many applications, the research should help scientists better understand water in not only its liquid form, but in other states as well, such as crystalline forms of ice, and water in extreme conditions, including highly reactive “supercritical” water, which is used to remove pollutants in wastewater and recover waste plastic in chemical recycling, Szalewicz said.

The model might also be used to model H2O in solution with Na & Cl. Anyhow, there ought to be a way for desalination researchers to make use of the new modeling tool on request.

The rest of the article can be found here.

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